10 Great Reasons

You can save thousands of pesos using cloth diapers over the course of three years -   more if you use the same cloth diapers for a second child.

Every child adds about 6500 disposable diapers to our landfills.
Disposable diapers have little to no recycling potential and the long term effects of them on the environment remain unknown.
Disposable diapers can take up to 500 years to decompose.
One baby can produce up to 2 tons of landfill waste using disposable diapers.
Disposable diapers are the third largest single consumer item in landfills, and represent 30% of non-biodegradable waste
There is serious threat of contamination from disposable diapers because of human feces going into landfills
Harsh bleaches and cleaning agents used at diaper services can cause damage to the environment.
1 cup of crude oil is used for the plastic in 1 disposable diaper
Each baby in disposable diapers consumes 4.5 trees (Based on only 2 years in diapers.)